Did the devil ever tell you that you’re gonna die today? if so, based on the fact that you’re reading these keys, he lied to you. One thing that God and the devil have in common is they both don’t change, everything he’s telling you today is still a lie remember, you didn’t die.
(Ps46:1)(GW) God is our refuge and strength an Ever Present Help in TIMES of trouble. That’s why we are not afraid! The lions didn’t disappear when Daniel was thrown in the lions den, but God was with him and the starving hungry lions couldn’t touch him
If you live in fear, you will never be able to conquer the enemy, and it will block you from going forward
the the weapon of fear, rises up against you from a tongue of judgment, you have to deal with it and condemn it, if you don’t deal with it, condemnation will come on you also, this is a War Of Words, and we are created to rule in the spirit world, say WHAT God Said ONLY & you will win the battle every time
fear is a spiritual cancer that spreads into all different areas of your life and is even contagious and affects those around you, you have to cut it out with the sword of the spirit, which is the word of God Decree (2Tim 1:7) over yourself slowly about five times. You may use different translations and see how you feel after the fifth time. do this regularly so you get this inside of you &you will be aware of fears presence quickly and resist it right away, and watch it run from you
Fear is the forerunner of the devil that enables him to do,(Jn10:10[A]) in your life, steal, kill,and destroy,Jn10:10[B] the word changes all that to you having life &life more abundantly that you can have and enjoy to the full till it overflows choose to believe God‘s word over the devil‘s words,&win the war of the words
The truth of God‘s word is the antidote to the fear that is already operating in your life, the devil’s words are always from the powers of darkness. God‘s words are from the Father of Light, Light always conquers darkness. It never loses, there’s never a stalemate. turn on the light and the darkness will disappear.
When you get the answer, stop asking questions, focus on the answer instead of the problem, and the problem will shrink and disappear
Gods assistance and protection are all enabled by your focus, choose to think about what God said, and then you get(Isaiah 26:3 GW) with perfect peace{YOU} will (Protect) those whose minds cannot be changed,Because (they) [trust you!]
Fear wants to get your attention off God, and on itself, fear is what short-circuited Peter from the prophetic word from Jesus, and in the middle of a miracle & almost drowned him, and managed to keep the other 11 disciples in the boat that was filling up with water paralyzed
fear only has power when you’re focused on the wrong thing, remember, Peter didn’t start to sink till he focused on what was going on around him, fear is still doing the same thing today
Imagine the inspiration that would Have come to the 11 guys in the boat that were too afraid to get out, IF Peter would have NOT looked around and just Kept His Focus on Jesus’s WORD {COME}and strolled with HIM across that sea,keep your focus on what God Said To You & enjoy your miracle walk over that sea of what’s been troubling you
fear disguises itself as logic & reasoning, that’s the spirit of the world, the same spirit that crucified Jesus, and it wants to kill you too, don’t let fear get you down to its low level. Remember God‘s kingdom is not logical-It’s supernatural.
Every time you look at your circumstances, the doctors report, your bank account, your test or trial, your job, even yourself, instead of looking Unto Jesus, and what HE said; Fear is Winning
Imagine what Will happen in your life (When) you turn your focus to what God has said to you and KEEP it There, -The miracle working power of God will be activated in your life and bring you through everything and anything that comes against you