How you see yourself is the image that you project to your enemy
And there we saw the giants, the sons of Anak, which come of the giants: and we were in our own sight as grasshoppers, and so we were in their sight
Number 13:33 -
Good news. Fear is not just a feeling that comes on you suddenly and just overwhelms you. Fear is a demon spirit & it is under your authority- cast it out!
For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind
2 Timothy 1:7 -
Whenever you allow fear in, you are yielding to the devil. You need to resist it because whenever you’re afraid—your faith is NOT working
What you have fear of is what you are not trusting God for. To get to the promise, you have to get past what you are afraid of. To get a testimony, you have to pass the test.
When you are afraid, you are hooked up with and drawing from the wrong kingdom. Fear is the GPS system that takes you places that God did not intend for you to go
For the thing which I greatly feared is come upon me, And that which I was afraid of is come unto me.
Job 3:25
What’s worse than dying? Living in fear.
If you live in fear, you aren’t really living— you’re existing/waiting to see what’s going to go wrong next. The answer to fear coming against you is to trust in the Lord.
Faith opens the door to God‘s kingdom in your life and it brings the blessing to you. Fear opens the door to the kingdom of darkness and conducts the curse to you. The good news is: you ALWAYs get to choose who you open the door to.
if you have a controlling problem, it’s because you have a fear problem. Fear causes you to try to control others—that is because you are being controlled by fear… he is extending his ministry through you.
Reasoning always opens the door to fear and reasoning comes when you won’t just believe God
Peter had one word from Jesus [come] and he was walking on top of the sea, in the middle of a miracle, and he looked at his circumstances, and reasoned that the weather just wasn’t right for water walking. Fear came in and short-circuited the power of God from him and he immediately began to sink. Fear will short circuit you in the middle of a miracle that God is doing in your life. Don’t let it in {Stay Focused} on God
Faith is believing God and expecting Him to bring to pass what He said in your life. Fear is expecting the devil to move and bring to pass what he said in your life. Choose faith & trust God
The devil tries to put fear on you so you start talking about what is scaring you, so you will build a landing strip for him to bring what you were afraid of to you (Job3:25 The thing I feared the most has come upon me, and that which I was afraid of has risen up to meet me) If you’re afraid stop talking. You can’t do faith confessions in fear, unless you’re just trying to make the devil laugh
When the people came from his household & told Jairus that his daughter was dead - don’t bother the master, Jesus {immediately} commanded him to FEAR NOT! ONLY BELIEVE! What he said in faith earlier was more than enough & the circumstances changing couldn’t stop it. He didn’t need to say another word. While fear was attacking him, he just needed not to let the fear get in him & keep believing. Fear and the circumstances were only temporary—Faith changed the circumstances. Death already did his job and left, Faith made him come back and pick up his junk and go. Jairus got exactly what he said and had kept his focus & didn’t let fear in and block him from receiving
Jesus gave us an antidote to fear: It is His Peace and The Power NOT to fear OR ALLOW your heart to be troubled. IT was released to You {WHEN} HE Told You not to do it. The supernatural ability to overcome fear is yours, and the moment you believe it annd act on it, you become fears Master.
It’s fight or flight, choose fight, and then the enemy will choose flight. The spirit of fear is a coward. Stare him down nose to nose in faith—guaranteed he will turn first.
And do not [for a moment] be frightened or intimidated in anything by your opponents and adversaries, for such [constancy and fearlessness] will be a clear sign (proof and seal) to them of [their impending] destruction, but [a sure token and evidence] of your deliverance and salvation, and that from God (Philippians 1:28)