This is written for us to decree!(Not just read)(Rom8:31)
Q)what then shall {WE SAY} to [ALL] this?..
A) if God is for us who [can be] against us?.[Who can be our foe, if God is on our side?]
(Ps21:11) although they scheme and plan evil against you, they will not succeed. (GW) NO Weapon formed against you will prosper. YOU ARE THE WEAPON that God Has chosen to use against him- the enemy is too small for you
(Jer51:20)(NIV) you ARE My War Club, My Weapon for Battle,-with YOU, I shatter nations, with YOU, I destroy Kingdoms….so what devil is it that is trying to make you afraid?..ha ha ha
The more light you possess the farther darkness has to stay away from you (Ps119:130)the Entrance of Your Words Gives Light
WHEN You Broadcast that you are Afraid, Sad, or Mad (YOU) are telegraphing to the enemy that he has succeeded {Selah} (pause, and calmly think about that)
fear builds a landing strip for the enemy to bring his cargo into your life (Job3:25)(YLT) for a fear, I feared and it meeteth me, and what I was afraid of doth come to me. Stop building a runway for him to land on, shut your mouth when you’re afraid
The devil wants you to be so focused on fear that you’re distracted and powerless, now your THOUGHTS and WORDS become Self Destructive & (YOU)-Empower- him to do what he [Couldn’t Do Before]
When fear starts talking to you, do not get intimidated and quiet. (Mt23:37) by your words you will be justified by {YOUR} words you will be condemned. You need to talk back. Get used to giving him orders, he’s been calling shots too long
(Pr3:25)(TPT) You will not be subject to terror for it will not terrify you-nor will the disrespectful be able to push you aside. You have nothing to be afraid of, You are fears Master. Command it! You were created to give IT orders. Get eyeball to eyeball with it-he will blink first and then run
(Pr3:25 KJV) Be not afraid of sudden fear- that (panic attack) is just a name that doctors gave- fear, GOD gave you THE NAME of Jesus. They can’t do anything about it, but YOU CAN, rebuke it and tell it were to go
Ask God to {Give You} a {HATRED}- for fear sickness and poverty, or YOU WILL Tolerate it, and (IT) Will Stay, (They) Are All Your Enemies Working Together Against You! Time to take them out God Style None of them are Left Standing in YOUR LIFE!
Fear is very contagious, it will affect everyone around you. Get alone with God, quarantine yourself with YOUR FATHER, receive His Love & then come out into public fearlessly
God is taking you into your promised land—fear can’t go with you. Focus only on what HE told and showed you—don’t worry. (Ex14;13) The enemies you see now, you will never see them again
God wants to get you on the right path into your destiny. Stop dragging your past fears and failures with you. It’s slowing you down and getting you off the path
Proverbs 29:25 (YLT) 25 Fear of man causeth a snare, And the confident in Jehovah is set on high.
[The fear of man] (Causeth) a snare and the Confident in Jehovah is set on high. Get ready for promotion!
IF God is your Father, The guy at work is NOT your boss, don’t be Afraid of him, he’s only a supervisor. Your Daddy’s The Boss.
When you cast your care upon the Lord, HE would like you to leave it there,don’t come back and pick it back up again, just cause you can’t see what HE’s doing,..
Cast ALL Your Cares, Worries, & Anxieties on Him, because HE Cares For You- You Just NOW disarmed the devil & he has nothing to work with
For fear to dominate you, it has to have your attention. Focusing on the wrong things allows fear to rule. Get your eyes off the problem and put your focus on GOD
You can’t be Afraid of the devil and Trust God At The Same Time, YOU Will Choose-(WHO) You Believe
Grace will bring you out of anything. One of them is God‘s help, if God‘s helping you, you will come out of whatever you’re in, even if you’ve been doing it for a long time, the word of God says where sin bounds, grace does that much more abound, Only God can offer that deal and make it happen.
Fear not little flock for it your Father‘s good pleasure to give you the Kingdom. Your father did delight to give you the REIGN... if you allow fear in—no matter how much GOD wants to, HE can’t get the benefits of the kingdom to you because you believe the devil more then GOD, and you will not be able to walk in Dominion and Reign Over the enemy and his works